Free Course of Python for Data Science and AI with Coursera’s IBM Course

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Enroll Now! Free course of Python for data science and AI. This article shares information about this course on Python basics, data structure, data manipulation, and APIs using pandas and numpy. This blog is beneficial to beginner students who are becoming data scientists. So, read to the end.

Free Course of Python for Data Science and AI

Overview- Free Course of Python for Data Science and AI

In present days, Python is a leading programming language in the fields of data science and AI. So, IBM offers the “Free Course of Python for Data Science and AI” course on Coursera. This free online course is available for all students at the beginner level, so no prior programming experience is required. This course will take approximately 25 hours to learn at your own pace.

This Python course is available in 25 languages, including English and Hindi. This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn data science and these relevant felids.

Python course for beginners

Free online course of python syllabus is organized in to 5 modules with 22 assessments.

Python BasicsCourse Introduction
Introduction to Python
Getting Started with Jupyter
Expressions and Variables
String Operations
Python Data StructuresLists and Tuples
Summary of Python Data Structures
Python Programming FundamentalsConditions and Branching
Exception Handling
Objects and Classes
Working with Data in PythonReading Files with Open
Writing Files with Open
Pandas: Loading Data
Pandas: Working with and Saving Data
One Dimensional Numpy
Two Dimensional Numpy
APIs and Data CollectionApplication Program Interface
REST APIs & HTTP Requests
REST APIs & HTTP Requests
(Optional) HTML for Web Scraping
(Optional) Web Scraping 
Working with Different File Formats

What you will learn in this best python course free

  • Learn Python: This is a highly recommended programming language for software development and data science.
  • Using the variables, data structures, branching, loops, functions, objects, and classes provided by Python programming.
  • Show your skills in using Python libraries. Here we are given such examples of Python libraries as Pandas & Numpy and Jupyter Notebook for using and developing code.
  • Access and web scrape data using APIs and Python libraries like Beautiful Soup.

About the IBM:

IBM’s Skills Network offers training programs in AI, software development, cybersecurity, data science, and business management to help professionals build job-ready skills quickly. These courses, specializations, and professional certificates ensure technical expertise and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

How to apply

If you’re ready to take your first step into the data science and AI, enroll in this course today and start your journey towards a rewarding career!